Monday, January 29, 2024

25 of Franklin County’s top spellers faced off last week to compete for the chance to go to the regional spelling bee in Tallahassee

25 of Franklin County’s top spellers faced off last week to compete for the chance to go to the regional spelling bee in Tallahassee next month and they had to spell their way through some doozies including ailment, composition, fowl, and dessert.


The students ranged from 4th through 8th grades and represented both the Franklin County School and the Apalachicola Bay Charter School.


This year’s top speller is a 5th grader from the Franklin County School named Kymbri Granger, she won in the 19th round by correctly spelling the words “fallow”.


2nd place went to a Franklin County School 7th grader named Isabelle Frye, who won the event last year.


All of the contestants received a certificate for competing in the county-wide spelling bee.


Kymbri Granger will compete in the Regional Spelling Bee on February the 24th for a chance to go to the national spelling bee in Washington DC.

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