Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Franklin county commissioners have now scheduled a public hearing for February the 6th to amend the spending plan for the Franklin County Tourist Development Council

Franklin county commissioners have now scheduled a public hearing for February the 6th to amend the spending plan for the Franklin County Tourist Development Council.

The Tourist Development Council is funded through a 3 percent tax on hotel and rental houses in Franklin County.

Last year the TDC raised about 3.4 million dollars.

The revenue is reinvested in the county by funding tourist related facilities including local museums and beach park facilities like restrooms, playgrounds, boat ramps and parks and beach accessibility improvements.

The money is also used to advertise Franklin County to increase the number of visitors who come here.

Under a rule approved by the legislature last year, up to 10% of Tourist Development Sales Tax proceeds can now be allocated for public safety services including emergency medical services and law enforcement services, which are needed to address impacts created by increased tourism.

Before that can happen, the TDC will have to update its spending plan which will have to be approved at a public hearing before the county commission.

The draft plan allows for a maximum of 9% of TDC revenues to be spent for administrative activities, 40% for advertisement and promotional activities, and 21% towards items like museum improvements and operations, erosion control efforts, maintenance dredging and visitor center activities.

The proposal includes 10% for public safety services, 10% for beach park facilities, and 10% as a reserve.

The amended spending plan was approved by the Tourist Development Council on January the 10th.

The final draft plan will be included on the Franklin County Commission agenda for a public hearing on February the 6th.

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