Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Temperatures are expected to drop well below freezing tonight.

With the rainfall that Franklin County has received this morning there is a strong possibility of icing conditions on roads throughout Franklin County.

Bridges can be expected to freeze first and may be closed for safety reasons. Low spots in roads can also be expected to freeze.

Exercise extreme caution when travelling on the roads. If your vehicle starts to slide, DO NOT attempt to steer, and DO NOT slam on the brakes as this will only cause an increased loss of control.
Drive slowly when travelling over bridges and other possible areas of ice.

If you are using a space heater or fireplace in your home, DO NOT leave it unattended because it presents a fire hazard.

DO NOT cover the heater or leave it near flammable materials.

DO NOT operate a power generator indoors.

Have a fire extinguisher ready and make sure everyone in the home knows how to use it should the need arise.

Check on elderly and handicapped neighbors to ensure they are safe from the cold.

Bring pets indoors to keep them protected.

Insulate exposed pipes and leave faucets on a trickle to help prevent pipes freezing and bursting.

Dress in layers to keep your body temperature at a safe level.

Visit https://www.floridadisaster.org/hazards/extreme-cold/ for more information on cold weather threats and how to combat them.


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