Friday, January 19, 2024

The science behind flavor, Florida strawberry season and much more in this week's UF/IFAS News

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For the week beginning January 22, 2024

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Flavor comes from a combination of nature and science. Food and beverage industry representatives from across the world will gather in Orlando in March to learn the research behind unique tastes and aromas.

We’re at the height of the Florida strawberry harvesting season – a time when the state’s growers are doing all they can to make sure consumers can choose from among the best of their favorite fruit at the market.


A new publication by the University of Florida on the efficacy of fertilizer ordinances reviews a previously published study that found local fertilizer ordinances can improve water quality, but the timing of ordinances can influence their effectiveness.

Nuevo contenido en español para esta semana.

Tenemos una variedad de publicaciones de UF/IFAS que ahora se traducen al español para darle un mejor servicio a nuestras comunidades de habla hispana. A continuación encontrarás nuestras publicaciones e infográficos más recientes.

En Florida, la protección del medio ambiente es una prioridad. Los plaguicidas utilizados con fines comerciales o agrícolas están estrictamente regulados por el gobierno para asegurar el conocimiento de los operadores que los manejan.

News from around IFAS

News from around the UF/IFAS network. For more information, contact us.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection estimates the state has more than 2 million septic systems. If an owner does not properly maintain one, it poses an environmental threat to the state’s drinking water.

The Florida Land Steward Program is hitting the ground running for another year of land stewardship assistance, education, and networking opportunities. 


Raptors, or birds of prey, share some common features among them. This Wild Sarasota blog will dissect the differences between hawks and falcons. Read on to learn more about our amazing hawks of Florida.

RELATED RESOURCE: Florida Wildlife

Best of the rest.

Alternative story formats created or supported by UF/IFAS Communications.

According to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, check fraud tied to mail theft is up 30% nationwide. Let's explore several types of check fraud.

Next-Level Agriculture: Dr. Nathan Boyd, Associate Director of the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, talks about how AI technology is advancing agriculture.


Trying to pay off your debt can be overwhelming. We provide some strategies and resources that can help you.

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