Saturday, January 27, 2024

UF/IFAS News: Compost standards, a visit from USDA NIFA leader and more

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For the week beginning January 22, 2024

Recent research, programs, events and more.

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UF/ IFAS Compost Consortium calls on Florida's city, county and state decision-makers, sustainability officers, agriculture and horticulture producers, and funding organizations to help build robust compost standards and programs statewide.


Mark your calendars for the 2024 Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: Urban Horticulture Lecture Series. This free virtual webinar will connect consumers with a new scientist or Extension agent each month, addressing a specific landscape and gardening topic.

Poison ivy ranks among the most medically problematic plants. To find poison ivy before it finds you, University of Florida scientists published a new study in which they use artificial intelligence to confirm that an app can identify poison ivy. 


U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture Director Manjit Misra visited the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on Jan. 17 to learn about the innovations and impacts UF/IFAS is having in agriculture. 

Nuevo contenido en español para esta semana.

Tenemos una variedad de publicaciones de UF/IFAS que ahora se traducen al español para darle un mejor servicio a nuestras comunidades de habla hispana. A continuación encontrarás nuestras publicaciones e infográficos más recientes.

Estamos en el apogeo de la temporada de cosecha de fresas en Florida, un momento en el que los productores trabajan al máximo para que los consumidores puedan seleccionar las mejores fresas como una de sus frutas preferidas en el mercado.

News from around IFAS

Timely blogs from across the UF/IFAS network. For more information, contact us.

A pilot project during the Spring 2023 growing season aimed to improve nitrogen use efficiency through new fertilizer technology. It also used the “4R’s” (Right source, Right rate, Right place, and Right time) as well as irrigation management.

A previous post discussed preventative measures boaters can take to keep giant salvinia out of Florida’s waters. Since then, a new outbreak has been identified in Jacksonville, Florida covering an entire retention pond.


Previous studies have investigated the role of litter type on soil organic nitrogen (SON) mineralization and the resulting chemical composition in aerobic soils. However, there are limited studies on the role of anaerobic conditions.

Best of the rest.

Alternative story formats created or supported by UF/IFAS Communications.

Pregnant North Atlantic Right Whale females migrate from their northern feeding grounds to waters off the coast of Georgia and Florida every year from November to April to give birth to their young. 

Dr. A.J. Reisinger with UF/IFAS Soil, Water, and Ecosystems Sciences talks about how to properly dispose of unwanted or expired medications so those medications have no harmful impact on the natural environment.


By law, anyone who is paid to prepare or assists in preparing federal tax returns
must have a valid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN).

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