Thursday, February 15, 2024

A plan to build a new EMS Station in Lanark Village continues to move forward

A plan to build a new EMS Station in Lanark Village continues to move forward.

Franklin County is in the process of building a new permanent EMS station, which will replace the leased location in Carrabelle.

The county plans to build a 2600 square foot building including an office area, oxygen storage, kitchen, break and bunk area for EMS employees.

The building will also include a fire suppression system, and enclosed parking for the ambulance.

Originally the new building was slated to be built on a lot to the West of the existing Lanark/St. James Volunteer Fire Department on Oak Street but unfortunately the water table on the lot is only several feet below the surface.

That would require a much larger, more shallow storm water retention area which could not fit on the site without reducing the size of the proposed station.

Luckily the City of Carrabelle agreed to donate an adjacent two-acre parcel directly to the west so the station can still be built near the fire department with direct access to Oak Street and Highway 98.

The survey of that property has now been completed and the City of Carrabelle’s attorney and the county attorney are now working on the formal transfer of ownership.

Construction is expected to begin in about 6 months.

The County is requesting funding for the project through the federal Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Program.

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