Thursday, February 8, 2024

Franklin County Commissioners are looking for a better location for the public shooting range on Highway 65

Franklin County Commissioners are looking for a better location for the public shooting range on Highway 65.


The current location of the shooting range is too close to the Humane Society, the county jail and the landfill.


In general, the range isn’t in that great of shape, though in 2018 the county did do some needed upgrades to the facility to make the range safer.


The range is the only public shooting range in the county.


Commissioners are now looking at moving the shooting range further north to county owned property near the road camp.


There are a lot of wetlands on the property which may cause some issues, but the county plans to do a survey of the wetlands there to see if there enough dry land for a shooting range.


They said that even if the property doesn’t prove to be usable for a shooting range, at least they will know what the wetlands are on the property for possible other uses.

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