Friday, February 16, 2024

Franklin County has been awarded about 350 thousand dollars to repair and resurface a portion of the St. George Island bike path

Franklin County has been awarded about 350 thousand dollars to repair and resurface a portion of the St. George Island bike path.

The work covers about a half mile of the busiest and most congested commercial area of St. George Island, from 3rd Street East to 3rd Street West.

The bike path was first constructed in the early 1990’s and is in need of some restoration.

The project will include resurfacing the bike path as well as installing surface warning tactile strips at seven intersections, and the installation of trash cans, benches, wayfinding signage, bicycle repair station kiosks, and shade trees.

The total estimated project cost is just over 428 thousand dollars, of which Franklin County will have to pay 20 percent, or about 86 thousand dollars.

The county will use Tourist Development Council sales tax proceeds to cover the county’s portion of the cost.

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