Monday, February 19, 2024

The Apalachicola Bay Charter School has adopted a new personal technology policy that will take effect tomorrow

The Apalachicola Bay Charter School has adopted a new personal technology policy that will take effect tomorrow.

The new policy was approved by the school’s board of directors; it covers the use of cell phones, smartwatches, tablets and other personal electronics like cameras and headphones.

Under the new policy, students will be prohibited from using personal technology during the school day without permission, which includes instructional time, lunch, transition time or during extra-curricular activities.

The school day runs from 730am to 245pm.

In addition, student will not be allowed to call, text, photograph or record video without the teacher’s permission.

If a student is found violating the policy, his or her phone can be confiscated.

The ABC school says it is adopting the policy because personal technology use in the school increases the risk of school disruptions, bullying, criminal activity and academic dishonesty.

By limiting their use, the school hopes to increase students’ ability to focus, be engaged in instruction, and increase the student’s overall well-being.

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