Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The National Weather Service Tallahassee has issued a Flood Warning for the Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Calhoun, Franklin and Gulf and Liberty counties

The National Weather Service Tallahassee has issued a Flood Warning for the Apalachicola River near Blountstown affecting Calhoun, Franklin and Gulf and Liberty counties.


Flood Stage is 17 feet.


The river went above 17 feet on Tuesday and is expected to crest at 21.5 feet on Friday morning.


The flood warning will remain in effect till further notice.


It’s possible that some minor flooding could occur along the riverbanks so residents are asked to be vigilant during the next few days as the water flows down the river into Franklin County.


People with interests along the river should monitor the latest forecasts and be prepared to take necessary precautions.


Do Not Drive Cars or walk through Flooded Areas. 


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