Friday, March 1, 2024

Carrabelle Culture Crawl, Sat. March 16

Carrabelle Culture Crawl

History. Art. Music. Food. Fun. 

The Carrabelle History Museum is hosting the Carrabelle Culture Crawl on Saturday, March 16, 2024, 10 am-3 pm. This cultural event is a free celebration of amazing local culture, art, music, history, food, and fun in the heart of downtown Carrabelle. This is a wonderful opportunity to add more fun as you experience the wonderful local culture of Carrabelle. 

The Carrabelle History Museum will be bringing live music and entertainment outdoors to the streets of Carrabelle, with Florida folk music, classic country, modern songs, and favorite oldies. A variety of musicians will be performing outdoors for all to enjoy including Florida Folk musician, Frank Lindamood, the Bog Lilies, Boats a Rock’n with Susan David, Cody Barber and Tom Magnam. Toes will be tapping to the fun tunes spun by DJ Beanie Baby. Visitors will again spot fun, costumed characters from the Fishy Fashion Show wandering the streets. These walking photo ops are a fan-favorite at the Crawl. 

Art will abound at the Crawl featuring some local artists and artisans as well as several internationally acclaimed artists being hosted by Forgotten Coast en Plein Air. There will be art to view at a variety of shops and galleries. Guests are encouraged to come early to watch the Forgotten Coast en Plein Air Quickdraw Competition with up to 75 artists capturing Carrabelle and creating art as spectators watch. The popular public art drawing and coloring activity will be hung in storefront windows. Sidewalk chalk will be available to allow their creativity to flow. And kids and families will enjoy making their own take home art with the handmade card activity. Be sure to stroll over to Carrabelle’s two large, stunning murals! 

Returning this year will be a Car Cruise-In on Marine Street with a variety  of beautiful classic, vintage, and modern cars to the Crawl! Car enthusiasts can check out a vintage Lotus 7, a 1924 Model T Truck and more! 

Learn about the culture and local history of the area by visiting the exhibit at the Carrabelle History Museum on Avenue B including the new exhibit, Tate’s Hell the Place, Tate’s Hell the Legend. At 2 pm, there will be an official opening and the museum will be joined by the photographers and painters who helped create this exhibit plus Tate’s Hell forestry staff including Smokey Bear himself. Discover the booms and busts of Carrabelle’s history like the by-gone eras when local logging and lumber merchants, steamships, and shrimping vessels lined the vast and deep Carrabelle River as the very popular  Shipwrecks of Dog Island exhibit. While on Avenue B and downtown Carrabelle, be sure to visit the exhibitors and authors including  WWII Army training on Carrabelle Beach, cast net throwing demonstrations, and Carrabelle’s rich nautical history. 

Carrabelle’s delicious food offerings will again be celebrated. Carrabelle’s local restaurants and cafes will be offering fresh seafood, award-winning crab cakes, bulgogi, amazing pizzas, salads, authentic deli sandwiches, egg rolls, burgers, and more. Plus joining the Crawl will be A Train Stop food truck with grouper sandwiches, wings and more. 

Come to Carrabelle early to enjoy the addition of  the exciting Forgotten Coast en Plein Air Quickdraw Competition. The Quickdraw requires artists to complete an entire piece of art in just two hours and will be bringing about 75 artists to Carrabelle on Saturday from 9 am - 11 am. The Quickdraw offers artists a chance to wow audiences as they are both engulfed in the creative process. Spectators get to see various Carrabelle scenes be interpreted and come to life on canvas right before them. The competition begins at 9 am and ends at 11. Judging will be 11:30-12:30 with awards announced at the City Fishing Pavilion on Marine Street.

And of course guests can enjoy the challenge of the Carrabelle Scavenger Hunt. For each location, a fun clue will be provided. The scavenger hunt is a great way to learn fun facts about Carrabelle’s history that might be unknown. Guests can start at the Carrabelle History Museum and visit as many of the wonderful locations as they would like.

For more information, contact the Carrabelle History Museum, SE 106 Ave B, Carrabelle, FL at 850-697-2141, Volunteers and sponsors are needed. Funding in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council. A big thank you to the sponsors of this year’s Crawl: Duke Energy, Inovia Consulting Group, Florida Arts & Culture and Franklin's Promise Coalition


Special Exhibit: Tate's Hell the Place, Tate's Hell the Legend 

Saturday, March 16 - Saturday, April 27
Carrabelle History Museum

The Carrabelle History Museum is presenting a special exhibit, “Tate’s Hell, the Legend, Tate's Hell, the Place”. This exhibit will open on Saturday, March 16 and run through Saturday, April 27. The museum is open Wednesdays from 12 noon to 5 pm, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 am  to 5 pm and Sundays 12 noon to 5 pm. There is no charge for admission; donations are gratefully accepted to defray costs.

This Tate’s Hell exhibit will explore the many facets of the legend of Tate’s Hell, the misadventures and fate of Cebe Tate, and how Tate's Hell State Forest got its name. Wildlife and landscape photos taken in Tate’s Hell by John Spohrer and Jon Johnson will be on display. This exhibit will also include the song, The Ballad of Tate’s Hell by Will McLean and performed by Frank Lindamood and the FSU Department of Communications’ 1983 short film, “A Tale of Tate’s Hell”. "In the folk region, people are wedded to the land, and the land holds memories. The people themselves possess identity and ancestry, through continuous occupation of the same soil. Local events can flower into legend and ballad and proverb, and village ways can harden into custom." Richard M. Corson in American Folklore. 

Carrabelle History Museum is located at SE 106 Avenue B, Carrabelle, FL. For more information, go to or contact 850-697-2141 or, Sponsored by C-Quarters Marina, Duke Energy and Shaun Donahoe Realty. Funding in part by the Franklin County Tourist Development Council.

Do you enjoy the programs, event and exhibits from the Carrabelle History Museum? Then join us! Join or renew today as a
 Member of the Carrabelle Historical Society which serves as friends of the Carrabelle History Museum.

Your Annual Membership to the Carrabelle Historical Society costs $15 for individuals, $20 for families or $35 for organizations and businesses.  Membership may be paid online here by credit card or PayPal - Join Online. You may also renew by completing the CARRABELLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP FORM and mailing it along with your check made payable to: Carrabelle History Museum to
P.O. Box 0666, Carrabelle, FL, 32322.

If you have any questions, contact us at 850-697-4121, or

Volunteers are needed! In order to hold these fabulous events and keep the museum operating, we depend on volunteers.  Please consider being a volunteer today! A few hours of your time would make a huge difference to the Carrabelle History Museum. We have volunteer opportunities in the areas of research, event planning, administration, docent, greeter, event set up, and much more.

There is no admission fee for these events. Your support is vital for us to continue to offer great cultural programs. Donations may be made securely by credit card or PayPal by clicking here: Donate Online

Copyright © 2024 Carrabelle History Museum, All rights reserved.

Our address is:
Carrabelle History Museum
106 SE Avenue B
Carrabelle, FL 32322-1800

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