Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Work is ongoing for the new fuel farm at the Apalachicola airport, but the completion date has been pushed back because of some unanticipated delays

Work is ongoing for the new fuel farm at the Apalachicola airport, but the completion date has been pushed back because of some unanticipated delays.


A company called MDM Services incorporated out of Lakeland is doing the installation which includes two new 12,000-gallon tanks, an entirely new fuel system, and self-serve card reader; It will also include a back-up generator for the system.


The generator system will keep the system running for three days if the power goes out.


The project will cost about 2.3 million dollars.


The work was expected to be complete by next month, but because of an unanticipated delay in the delivery of the fuel tanks, the county has agreed to extend the completion date to November 11th.


The County began working to get a new fuel farm after Hurricane Michael hit our area in October, 2018.


After the storm. the Apalachicola Airport was the only airport able to deliver fuel for an area between Tallahassee and almost Pensacola for emergency services including the Coast Guard.


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