Monday, September 30, 2024

FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute September Research Updates

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30 Years of Southeast American Kestrel Research

southeast american kestrel chicks

The Southeastern American Kestrel (Falco sparverius paulus) is an imperiled species of non-migratory falcon that inhabits Florida’s open woodlands, sandhills, fire-maintained pine savannah, and like pastures and agricultural fields.

At the Florida Ornithological Society Fall Conference, FWRI research scientist Karl Miller will be presenting a keynote talk on Southeastern American Kestrels at the that discusses what we have learned from thirty years of research and conservation. Miller will discuss population trends, habitat needs, nesting ecology, movement ecology, and shed light on some common misunderstandings about the species.


Gag grouper release

Tagged Gag Grouper in the News

Thank you to the anglers who reported tagged gag grouper during the recent harvest season! Your reports provide FWRI's Movement Ecology and Reproductive Resilience (MERR) lab with valuable data using an external dart tag near the dorsal fin and insert an internal acoustic tag into the body cavity, which will be tracked with the help of 2,000+ acoustic receivers in the Gulf of Mexico. MERR lab biologists were interviewed by the Bradenton Herald to discuss this project further.
If you catch a tagged fish, report it to our Tag Return Hotline at 1-800-367-4461. Please report the tag number, fish size, and the general location and date of capture. 


Sea turtle posting sign

Sea Turtle Nesting Update

Sea turtle nesting season is winding down, and as we move into September, let’s take a look at how this season’s numbers compare to the past two years.


Coral bleaching survey video thumbnail

2024 Post-Bleaching Coral Surveys

FWRI’s Coral Research Program is home to the Disturbance Response Monitoring (DRM) program. The DRM program is the largest, collaborative volunteer-based coral monitoring effort in the world and brings together partners across the jurisdictions of Florida’s Coral Reef. The data generated by the DRM program provides reef managers with an annual assessment of the extent of coral bleaching and disease and its potential impacts on Florida’s coral reefs.


Oyster reef

Oysters and Water Quality

One piece of our team's work developing an oyster habitat suitability index involves collecting data on water quality to determine ideal locations for restoration efforts. Learn more about FWRI's oyster research on our web page and watch our quick video to learn about oyster research in the field.


New on

We hope you enjoy these articles that have been recently added/updated on our website:

Red Tide Current Status
Red Tide-Related Hotlines and Information Sources
2024 Manatee Mortalities
Annual Rescue Summaries [Manatee]
Save the Manatee Trust Fund Annual Report
Seed-Based Seagrass Restoration
New Publications
Indigo Snake Publications

Our Mission

Through effective research and technical knowledge, we provide
timely information and guidance to protect, conserve, and manage
Florida's fish and wildlife resources.

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