Tuesday, October 8, 2024

New conservation measures for nesting shorebirds took effect on October 1st

In 2022, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission approved new Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines for four species of imperiled beach-nesting birds: the American oystercatcher, snowy plover, least tern and black skimmer.

All of these species’ nest in Franklin County.

The new Guidelines just took effect on October 1st.

The guidelines are designed to be a tool for landowners and other interested parties on how to conserve these species.

They clarify protections for the species, provide options for avoiding impacts, and provide information on permitting — including minimization and mitigation options when impacts are unavoidable.

Recommended conservation measures and survey methods are included to promote actions that benefit these four species.

The guidelines also include options for avoidance of take and options for permitting that minimize and mitigate unavoidable harm or harassment.

You can see the new guidelines on-line at MyFWC.com/speciesguidelines


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