Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Franklin County’s newly elected and re-elected county commissioners were sworn in to office on Tuesday

Franklin County’s newly elected and re-elected county commissioners were sworn in to office on Tuesday.

Commission chairman Ricky Jones and District 5 County Commissioner Jessica Ward were re-elected to the county commission this year.

Ward was unopposed in her race; she represents much of Carrabelle to the Eastern end of Eastpoint.

She was joined by her husband and her father for the swearing in.
Ricky Jones defeated Alan Turner to win another four years on the commission; he represents District 1 which covers much of Eastpoint and all of St. George Island.

He was joined by his son and granddaughter for his swearing in.
Anthony Croom was newly elected to the commission.

He represents District 3, which covers much of the city of Apalachicola.

He has actually served on the board for nearly a year, but he was named to the position by Governor Ron Desantis following the death of Noah Lockley.

Croom defeated Eleanor Mount-Simmons earlier this month to win his seat for the next four years.

The swearing in was led by Clerk of Court Michelle Maxwell, who used a bible dating back to 1866 for the ceremony.

She said the bible was found in a basement drawer in the courthouse.

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