Thursday, March 6, 2025

Look Out for Nesting Coastal Birds in the Florida Panhandle

The first shorebird nest of the year has been spotted. Giving birds their space allows nesting parents to successfully raise the next generation of sea and shorebirds.


Spring and summer mark critical times of year for several vulnerable sea and shorebird species, as they must avoid human disturbance, storms, and predators to successfully raise their chicks. Species including Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers, and Least Terns lay their eggs on the beach. They perceive people as a threat and will take flight whenever beachgoers, or their dogs, approach too closely. Repeated human disturbance often results in birds abandoning the colony, causing the loss of eggs and possibly the end of the nesting season for these beach-nesting birds.


"The beaches in the Florida Panhandle host the highest numbers of nesting Snowy Plovers in the state," explains Panhandle Shorebird Program Manager Collette Lauzau, "which is why it's critical we work together to share the shore."


While some birds lay their eggs in tree nests, sea and shorebirds lay their eggs right on the sand, where they are very well camouflaged. Visitors to some local beaches in the Florida Panhandle might come across signs that indicate beach-nesting bird sites. Audubon staff works with a team of volunteer beach-nesting bird stewards who point out nesting birds to beachgoers and answer questions.


How to help beach-nesting birds raise their next generation of chicks to adulthood:


  • Respect posted areas, even if you don’t see any birds inside.
  • If birds dive-bomb you, carefully move away as there is a nest nearby.
  • Ensure no trash or food remnants are left behind, as this can attract predators.
  • Respect local dog ordinances and only take your furry friend to designated dog beaches.

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