Monday, March 3, 2025

March Wrack Line - Newsletter of the Florida Shorebird Alliance

Eggs in nest bowl
The Wrack Line


Newsletter of the Florida Shorebird Alliance

March 2025

Photo by Emily Hunter

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In This Issue


March 19, 1 PM: Virtual stewardship training for Collier County. Sign up as a volunteer and register for the meeting by clicking here.

March 19, 2 PM: Virtual stewardship training for Lee County. Sign up as a volunteer and register for the meeting by clicking here.

Pre-season Partnership Meetings and Contacts

March 3: Charlotte-Lee-Collier. Megan Hatten (

March 6: Timucuan. Hailey Dedmon (

March 6: Suncoast. Beth Forys ( 

March 6: Panhandle. Raya Pruner (

March 10: St. Johns/Flagler. Hailey Dedmon (

March 11: Space Coast. Hailey Dedmon (

March 11: Southeast. Natasha Warraich (

March 13: Treasure Coast. Niki Desjardin (

Florida Shorebird Database Webinars

March 11, 1-2 pm (EST): For new route surveyors

March 12, 1-2 pm (EST): For returning route surveyors

March 13, 1-2 pm (EST): For new and returning rooftop monitors



March 1: The Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) opens for the 2025 breeding season

March 15: Data entry deadline for the 2025 Winter Shorebird Survey

March 18 - 24: First breeding season survey count window, see the Breeding Bird Protocol

FSA News

Wilson's plover on the beach

2025 Breeding Season

Your guide to participating in shorebird conservation

The 2025 breeding season is here! Local Florida Shorebird Alliance (FSA) partnerships are organizing many activities this year. The best way to get involved is to attend a partnership meeting and learn about the conservation efforts in your area.

Interested? Here are a few ways to get started:

Be a mentor, or team up with one. Does your partnership have new members? If so, encourage them to join a local bird steward program or bring them along on a monitoring survey. If you're a new member, check with your partnership for training and mentoring opportunities.

Get posting supplies. Do you have the posting supplies you need to cover your areas?  Let your FWC regional shorebird contact know if you need signs or supplies. View our sign selection.

Get outreach materials. The FSA website contains helpful materials to support your outreach efforts. View the available resources and contact your FWC regional office to receive supplies.

Prepare for route surveys. We recommend surveying routes and checking ground and rooftop sites weekly as soon as birds start nesting until chicks become flight-capable. The minimum survey requirements are once a month, during specific count windows. If you are unable to survey your route at least once per month during all six count windows, please work with your partnership to find someone to fill in or contact us for help. Remember to coordinate survey plans with your local partnership and register for a route or rooftop training webinar.

Prepare for rooftop monitoring. Can you help monitor rooftops with nesting birds? If so, coordinate with your partnership or contact us. Please let us know if roofs are no longer suitable for nesting (ex: building was torn down or re-roofed).

Read on for more details about getting involved this season!

Photo by Britt Brown

Keep Out sign

Posting Breeding Sites

Posting is the process of installing signs and rope to create symbolic fencing around shorebird and seabird breeding habitat to protect breeding adults, nests, chicks and brood-rearing activities. Posting is often the best tool to protect shorebirds and seabirds from human disturbance on popular beaches and islands. To support birds in establishing territories and courting, when feasible, it is recommended to post an area before nesting begins. Detailed posting guidance can be found in the Guidelines for Posting Shorebird and Seabird Sites in Florida.

If you find a shorebird nest or seabird colony that has not yet been posted, please notify the local land manager or an FWC regional shorebird contact immediately so that it can be posted. Parks usually have their own preferred signs and posting materials, but if not (or if the nest is on private property), supplies and assistance can be requested by contacting your FWC regional shorebird contact. Check out our sign selection – many can be printed and laminated.

Before posting, consult with local managers and the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission and ensure that a monitoring plan is in place. Posting impacts local activities and has legal implications and is a cooperative effort between FSA partners.

A bird steward on the beach talking to members of the public

Bird Stewarding

Many shorebirds and seabirds depend on open sandy beaches to breed, feed and rest. One of the greatest threats beach-nesting shorebirds face is disturbance from people, pets and vehicles in the nesting area. Under these circumstances, signs posted around the nests are not enough to prevent people from disturbing nesting birds and it requires time and effort from caring individuals known as beach stewards to monitor the nests and chicks.

Bird stewarding begins after nests and colonies are located and posted by biologists. While out on the beaches, stewards carry out two important tasks: 1) minimizing disturbance to the nests, and 2) educating visitors on Florida's breeding shorebirds and seabirds. Although the greatest need for stewards is on weekends and holidays, stewarding can be done anytime an area has active nesting. 

Shorebird steward programs are organized by shorebird partners throughout Florida. Where and when bird stewards will be needed is not fully determined until the birds have started nesting. This usually starts in March and can run into September, depending on the location and bird species.

To volunteer as a bird steward this season, please check to see if there is a steward program near you. If so, apply through the web form or contact your FSA partnership coordinator to get involved. If there is not a bird steward program near you and you are interested in starting one, please contact us.

Photo by Audubon Florida

A person surveys the beach for birds using binoculars

Breeding Bird Surveys and Training

March 18-24 is the first breeding bird survey count window. You can find everything you need to know about how to participate in monitoring and enter your data on the Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) website.

The FSD website provides steps to get started with monitoring breeding birds. The Resources page contains the Breeding Bird Protocol, which explains the monitoring process, as well as data sheets and videos on data entry.

All monitors are encouraged to register for a training webinar. Details and instructions will be emailed to registered participants prior to the webinars.

March 11: Webinar for new route surveyors. Learn the basics of the Breeding Bird Protocol and how to enter surveys into the database.

March 12: Webinar for returning route surveyors. This refresher includes important updates to the database and review of the Breeding Bird Protocol.

March 13: Webinar for new and returning rooftop monitors. Learn the basics of monitoring seabirds and shorebirds on rooftops and how to enter surveys in the database.

All webinars are from 1-2 pm EST.  

Register here for the 2025 webinars

Photo by Kylie Wilson

Rooftop monitors installing temporary chick fencing on a rooftop

Rooftop Monitoring and Outreach

Some seabirds and shorebirds nest on gravel rooftops in Florida, making rooftop monitoring and outreach important components of our work. There are hundreds of rooftops throughout the state where birds have historically nested and we need your help monitoring them. If you would like to become a monthly rooftop monitor, March - August, please review the rooftop section of the Breeding Bird Protocol and contact your local partnership to get involved.

These actions can improve the chance of successful nesting at rooftops that are consistently used: 

  • Review the Rooftop Resources section of the FSA website and download letters, postcards, signs and other outreach materials that support your outreach efforts. 
  • Talk to the property owners or managers early in the season to help make them aware of the protected species nesting on their roof; remind them to schedule rooftop repairs or air conditioning maintenance before the birds arrive.
  • Leave contact information for building employees or residents to call in case of fallen chicks or other issues.
  • Work with your local partnership to help with chick-proofing, chick-checking and to notify us of rooftops with new nesting.

Photo by Jean Hall

MarineQuest 2025

A delegation from the FWC Shorebird Team participated in the 30th MarineQuest education and outreach event that was held at FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute headquarters located in St. Petersburg. They educated over 250 students and chaperones during school days. The Saturday open house attracted over 8,200 people, and the Shorebird Team recruited dozens of new FSA partners! They did an amazing job revamping the shorebird display and bringing shorebird and seabird knowledge to MarineQuest 2025.

Photos by Julia Magill

People look through the education materials in the shorebird displayPeople look at the realistic beach-nesting bird display

FSD banner

FSD Updates

The Florida Shorebird Database is open for the season!

The breeding season has begun and the first Breeding Bird Protocol Count Window is March 18-24. Before entering your breeding data, you may want to do a little spring cleaning of your Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) account:

  • Review the 2025 Breeding Bird Protocol
  • Log in to your FSD account.
  • Make sure your contact information, data entry permissions, and partnership affiliations are up-to-date by clicking Manage Account.
  • Review your list of routes and rooftops.
    • Are you still planning to survey the routes and rooftops listed in your profile? If not, you may want to remove them from your profile.
    • Are the descriptions for the routes and rooftops accurate? If not, you can update the information by clicking ‘View/Edit’, then editing the Description.
    • Are the routes and rooftops still suitable for nesting? If not, email to retire them.

Thank you for your dedication to shorebird and seabird conservation. May the 2025 nesting season be highly productive!

Ebb Tidings

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