Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Apalachicola national Estuarine Reserve will open its new education center to the public on Saturday

Work is now finished on the nearly 19 thousand square foot environmental education center for the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Reserve is now ready to show the building off to the public.
They will hold an open house at the center this Saturday morning at 9.
The 7 million dollar project has been going for nearly 2 years but everyone seems pleased with the results.
The new center includes indoor aquaria, research labs, an outdoor ampitheatre, and a number of other interesting features including a large mural of the Apalachicola River and Bay system.
The center will provide classroom and lab space to facilitate the research reserves job of studying and teaching about the Apalachicola Bay area.
The center is located at 108 Island Drive in Eastpoint at the foot of the St. George Island Bridge overlooking Cat Point, one of the most productive oyster bars in Apalachicola Bay.
The open house will take place from 9 till 5 on Saturday with guided tours of the facility being offered throughout the day. e-mail with comments

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