Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Census bureau to collect data on Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation

The US Census Bureau has just finished counting every American household and now it’s turning its attention to hunting and fishing.

On April 1st, U.S. Census Bureau employees will begin the first wave of data collection for the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.

The first phase will include about 53,000 households across the country – the data collection will be done mostly by telephone.

The survey is conducted every five years to better manage natural resources and to understand the demands being put on wildlife and their habitat.

The information collected for this survey focuses on individuals involved in fishing, hunting and other wildlife-associated recreation, like observation, photography and feeding.

Preliminary survey findings will be available in summer of 2012. The final national report will be issued in the fall of 2012, followed by a report for each state.

The latest data from the survey show that in 2006, more than 87 million Americans 16 and older enjoyed some form of wildlife-related recreation and spent $122 billion dollars in pursuit of these activities. e-mail with comments

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