Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NOAA extends decision to list Loggerhead turtles as threatened or endangered

NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have announced they will extend the date to list 9 species of loggerhead sea turtles as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act by another six months.

The final decision will now be made no later than September 16th.

Since 1978, the loggerhead has been listed as threatened throughout its range.

Now NOAA Fisheries is considering changing the designation of seven loggerhead species as endangered and two as threatened.

Federal officials say the extension is necessary because of disagreement about how to interpret existing data about the Northwest Atlantic Ocean loggerheads turtle’s status and trends.

There is also debate about the magnitude and immediacy of both the threat of bycatch in fisheries and measures to reduce this threat.

The additional six months will help ensure the best scientific and commercial data available is fully assessed and analyzed.

The public is invited to comment on the issues related to the appropriate status for the
Northwest Atlantic Ocean loggerheads.

Comments will be accepted through September 16th.

http://www.oysterradio.com e-mail manager@oysterradio.com with comments

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