Friday, June 10, 2011

DACS: In Case You Missed It - June 10, 2011

In Case You Missed It
Ag in the News

Repairing Lake Okeechobee Dike Needed Not Only To Save Lives, But Crops, Ag Commissioner Warns
With fields dry, plants wilting and stiffer water restrictions looming, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam told a room of growers, water managers and business officials on Friday that Florida's biggest long-term problem is not crime, Medicare or the economy. It's water. Putnam then offered a solution that has gained little attention during the current crisis: "Nothing is more important than getting the Lake Okeechobee dike fixed. You can't deal with the agricultural, environmental and urban needs if you can't keep the lake at appropriate levels." (Palm Beach Post, 6/4)

Florida: Rains Desperately Needed
Dry, hot weather increased wild fire outbreaks during the week. According to the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry there were 30 wild fires that exceeded 100 acres across the State. Hot daytime highs were in the lower to upper 90s. Marianna, Pensacola, Quincy, and Tallahassee recorded at least one daytime high in the 100s. Humid evening lows were in the 60s to 70s. Temperatures at the major cities were mostly normal to six degrees above normal. Rainfall ranged from none to minimal traces in most localities. Areas reporting over one inch of precipitation included Avalon, Brooksville, Jay, and Tampa. North Port received over two inches of rain for the week. (Ag Fax, 6/5)

The Florida Division Of Consumer Services - A State Watchdog
Have you ever had a question, concern, problem or complaint that has gone unresolved because you could not figure out the proper agency or resource to contact?  As the state’s clearinghouse for consumer complaints, the Division of Consumer Services within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services takes its role as a state watchdog very seriously. With over 40,000 complaints filed in 2010 – an increase of 7% from the previous year – the Division boasts an impressive resolution rate of over 88% as successfully closed or resolved. (Fort Lauderdale Examiner, 6/8)

Better Food Means Better Health
The children of low-income families are among the most vulnerable in our communities. The Healthy Schools for Healthy Lives Act effectively addresses multiple needs of our state. One in three Florida children is overweight, a rate that rises to nearly half among children in families with incomes at or below the poverty level. In these times of economic uncertainty, the right foods may be financially out of reach, making federal school meals and summer nutrition programs an important source of healthier foods. (St. Petersburg Times, 6/6)

A bill that would place the public school nutrition program under Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam instead of the Department of Education was sent to Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday. Scott, who is on an economic trade mission to Canada this week, has 15 days from the receipt of the bill to sign it into law or to veto it. (The Ledger, 6/9)

Missing Elderly Couple Found 500 Miles Away
There's a happy ending to what could have been a tragedy. An Elderly couple missing from Houston was found in Pensacola, that's more than 500 miles away. Texas search crews spent Monday looking for Larenza and Salomon Gasca. They were last seen by family members in Houston Sunday afternoon as they left for a nearby party. But, the Gascas got lost and ended up at The Florida Department of Agriculture Inspection stop at the Florida/Alabama state line.Thankfully, an aware officer noticed the Gascas were disoriented. The couple didn't even know they were in Florida. The officer ran their ID's and discovered they had been reported missing. (WKRG News 5, 6/7)
Commissioner Spotlight
On Monday, Commissioner Putnam attended the Florida State Fair Authority Meeting in Tampa, FL, to discuss plans for the 2012 Florida State Fair, which will be held February 9 through February 20.

Tuesday, the Commissioner toured Babcock Ranch in Punta Gorda, FL. Babcock Ranch is a self-sufficient working cattle ranch owned by the state.  

At the Department

The Office of Cabinet Affairs supports the Commissioner’s role as a member of the Cabinet. Cabinet members are responsible for addressing a variety of statewide issues, including the acquisition and management of conservation and recreation lands.

The state currently owns approximately five million acres of conservation land.  It has always been a challenge to find the funds needed to manage these lands in a way that protects natural resources and provides the kind of recreational opportunities all Floridians deserve.

This week, the Commissioner visited Babcock Ranch, an 74,000 acre ranch in Southwest Florida purchased by the Governor and Cabinet in 2005 that represents an innovative approach to state land management.  

Babcock Ranch is unique to state lands because it is managed at no cost to the taxpayer as a self-sufficient working cattle ranch. Funds to manage the property come from revenue-generating activities on the ranch.  Striking a balance between generating revenue and protecting the ranch’s natural resources is no easy task. While this model may not be appropriate for all state lands, the ranch provides an opportunity to explore alternatives to traditional state land management.   

The Commissioner’s priorities for the ranch include maintaining its self-sufficiency and expanding public access opportunities, including hunting.  During his meeting with the ranch manager, Commissioner Putnam was pleased to learn that the ranch is working with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to expand public hunting opportunities on the ranch. 

A Look Ahead

·         Sunday, June 12- Wednesday, June 15: Commissioner Putnam will meet with other leaders of state Departments of Agriculture for the annual meeting of the Southern Association of State Departments of Agriculture(SASDA), Greensboro, NC.

·         Thursday, June 16: Commissioner Putnam will attend the Cabinet Meeting, Tallahassee, FL.

·         Thursday, June 16: Commissioner Putnam will deliver remarks at the Florida Citrus Mutual Industry Conference, Bonita Springs, FL.
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