Friday, September 2, 2011

TPD Participating in Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign

TPD Participating in Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign
The Tallahassee Police Department supports and is participating in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" public awareness and enforcement campaign.
With the upcoming FSU and FAMU home game weekend and Holiday weekend there will be a large number of people in the City of Tallahassee celebrating this weekend. Additional officers will be assigned to focus efforts on arresting impaired drivers through the end of the holiday weekend.
Due to enhanced enforcement efforts there has been a 54% increase in DUI arrests and a 88% decrease in alcohol related fatal crashes worked by the Tallahassee Police Department in 2011. There have been an average of between seven and 11 DUI related traffic fatalities over the last several years. The Tallahassee Police Department has responded to just one DUI related traffic fatality this fiscal year.
"The dedication of the members of Tallahassee Police Department and the commitment to safety seen by more and more community members has helped make Tallahassee a safer place to drive and live," said Chief Dennis Jones.
Contact: Derek Friend, Public Information Office, (850) 891-4255 e-mail with comments

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