Monday, July 16, 2012

NWFWMD receives money to continue water quality monitoring

The Northwest Florida Water Management District has received money to continue monitoring water quality in Northwest Florida.

On June 21st, the Governing Board accepted 188 thousand dollars to monitor water quality in northwest Florida’s aquifers, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes.

The monitoring program began in the 1980s, and assesses ground and surface water from sampling sites across 16 counties.

The data helps the water district notify people when well water doesn‘t meet drinking water standards especially when it comes to dissolved sodium chloride and nitrate, which can contaminate water wells and pose a risk to human health.

The water quality results are posted on-line for the public to access.

We’ve posted the link to the data on the news page at

You can also request the data by phone at (850)539-5999.

View data at e-mail with comments

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