Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 30, 2012 Weatherization Day Celebrated!!!!

            -- Apalachicola, FL. Today, the Mayor of Apalachicola has proclaimed October 30th as “Weatherization Day” to raise awareness of the important benefits created by the Program.  Since the inception of the program in 1976, more than 7 million homes across the nation have been upgraded under WAP.  On September 27th the 1 millionth home, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was weatherized.  All of these households can now begin saving approximately $400 annually on their energy bills, according to the Department of Energy.  The weatherization upgrades on these low-income homes can also cut energy consumption by approximately 35%.
            Please join us on Tuesday, October 30th at the Apalachicola Housing Authority, 141 15th Street, Apalachicola, FL, to celebrated National Weatherization Day!  We will site demonstrations and lunch will be provided.
            Each year, the Department of Energy uses the onset of winter to promote energy conservation, renewable energy, and new technology use in the energy industry.  With the higher cost of fuel oil still here, the rising prices in natural gas, and the ever fluctuating electric prices occurring due to market restructuring, celebrating a successful conservation program like the Weatherization Assistance Program is extremely important to everyone.

Most families across Florida are turning up and down their thermostats to combat the fluctuating temperatures; however, cranking up the heat or air conditioner ads up to higher utility bills.  This is a particular problem for low-income families.  These families pay 14% or more of their annual incomes for energy compared with only 3% for other non low-income families. 
            Additional effects the Weatherization Assistance Program has on local communities are:
·        Low-income families save $400 a year on utility bills after being weatherized.    
·        Decreases the amount of personal income spent on home energy, making housing more affordable, reduces cases of homelessness, lowers the demand for public assistance, and keeps more money in local communities.
·        Has shown a return for each dollar spent on the program.  Families whose homes have been weatherized through Capital Area Community Action Agency’s program have seen savings up to 35% of previous energy consumption.
·        Reducing energy demand decreases the environment impacts of energy production.  Weatherization mitigates approximately 1.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year in a home heated primarily with natural gas.  Weatherization also reduces emissions of methane and nitrous oxide. 
·        Weatherization creates non-energy benefits such as increased property value, reduced likelihood of fire, federal taxes generated from employment, income generated from indirect employment, avoided costs on unemployment benefits, and reduced pollution. 
            The Weatherization Assistance Program serves every county in the nation through its partnerships with local agencies.  For more information about the Weatherization Assistance Program, contact your local Capital Area Community Action Agency at 850 653-8057 (Apalachicola office) or 850 222-2043 (Leon County – Home Office) for more information. (For national information, go to e-mail with comments

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