Friday, April 5, 2013

Florida Highway Patrol Named “Best Dressed” in North America

Apparel program honored for well-fitted and easily identifiable uniforms

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - April 5, 2013 – The Florida Highway Patrol received the North
American Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD) Best
Dressed Award for law enforcement departments with more than 2,000 officers during
a reception in Orlando. Developed to recognize the critical role uniforms play in law
enforcement and public safety, the awards honor both the wearer and supplier of the
apparel program.

“The members of the Patrol take pride in their appearance,” said Col. David Brierton,
director of the Florida Highway Patrol. “And the variety of uniforms our members wear
promotes professionalism and functionality for the services we provide.”

The uniform program includes a long sleeve shirt, black campaign hat, pants, tactical gear
and accessories. All Florida Highway Patrol uniforms must be clean, neat and pressed for
daily visual inspection.

Now in its 36th year, the Best Dressed Public Safety Awards is open to all public safety
departments across North America. Participants must submit a completed entry form,
as well as photographs depicting the various uniforms in their program. An independent
panel of experts reviews each department’s professional appearance and uniform
diversity, paying close attention to detail and written standards.

“There is nothing more comforting to a community than an easily identifiable, uniformed
police officer, particularly in a time of crisis,” said Richard J. Lerman, President and
CEO of the NAUMD. “In law enforcement, a visible, uniformed public safety presence
on the street, at a mall or other institution can add a sense of security and help comfort
the public or allay fears.”

Since officers have varying assignments and patrol details, there are many factors
to consider, including the following: Does the uniform fit the job function? Is the
appearance neat and do the garments fit properly? What role do fabrics play in the overall
look? Most importantly, can the public immediately identify the wearer as a professional,
law enforcement officer?

For more information on the Best Dressed Public Safety Awards or the 2013 NAUMD
Convention and Exhibition, call (516) 393-5838 or visit


The North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors (NAUMD)
has served as the voice of the uniform and image apparel industries since 1933. Its 500+
members include manufacturers, designers, producers, and retailers of uniforms, as well
as those who produce products and services for the industry at large.

The NAUMD works to protect the interests of its members through a series of advocacy,
education, and public relations campaigns intended to arm them with the tools needed to
retain and capture business in a global economy. The association has authored a number
of position papers and has an extensive library of information from which members can
further their understanding of the uniform marketplace. NAUMD also conducts a series
of professional development seminars both in the United States and Canada, and hosts an
annual convention and trade show where attendees can source products, learn about the
latest trends, and gain practical, take-home knowledge to better run their business. e-mail with comments

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