Friday, April 5, 2013

Franklin County Commission to hold early budget workshop in April

Franklin County Commissioners will start their budget process early this year.

The board has scheduled a budget workshop for April the 22nd so commissioners can get a closer look at what county departments will need in the next budget year.

The board won’t have all of the figures it needs to start making decisions because state revenue estimates won’t be in by that time.

The county revenue numbers will also be very preliminary, but administrative director Alan Pierce said the property appraiser’s office is expecting another 3 to 5 percent drop in the county tax base.

But commissioners said the workshop will give them a chance to meet with county department heads early to discuss any major capitol projects like equipment purchases that might come up for the next budget year.

They will also discuss other major county expenditures like insurance.

They hope that by holding the early workshop there won’t be any major surprises during budget negotiations this summer.

The budget workshop will be held on Monday, April the 22nd at 10 AM in the main courtroom at the courthouse in Apaalchicola. e-mail with comments

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