Sunday, May 12, 2013

#1612 Aquaculture Shellfish Harvesting Update - Closure


Date: 5/11/13

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is
temporarily closing the following shellfish area at sunset on Saturday,
May 11, 2013 for the harvest of oysters, clams, and mussels. In this
context, shellfish does not include scallops, shrimp, or crabs.


#1612 Apalachicola CA Winter_Shellfish Harvest Area




Basis for action:

Operating procedures in Chapter 5L-1.003 (1),

Florida Administrative Code

The closure is based on a change in conditions specifically required
under the management plan. Water samples will continue to be collected
and analyzed for the area until the sample results conform to the
management plan.

You will be notified as soon as the shellfish area can be re-opened. If
you have any further questions concerning the closure of shellfish
harvesting areas please contact Carrie Jones

or Jeff Wren at (850)653-8317.  The Division of Aquaculture's Daily
Status report is found on the internet at
< under
the shellfish harvesting tab.  In the event the daily status report
cannot be accessed due to server problems, a detailed pre-recorded
message of open and closed shellfish harvest areas is available 24 hours
a day by calling (850)653-8317. For questions concerning scallop
harvesting, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission at (850) 487-0554. e-mail with comments

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