Monday, May 13, 2013

Ballots on SGI and Alligator Point MSBU issue will be counted on Tuesday

            Ballots will be counted on Tuesday in the election on whether to raise the MSBU assessment on homes on St. George Island and Alligator Point.

All property owners in the two fire districts should have received ballots in the mail in late April.

About 6000 ballots were mailed out at the fire departments’ expense.

At issue is whether to increase the annual MSBU homeowners pay from 50 dollars to 90 dollars.

People who own undeveloped lots would continue to pay 10 dollars a year.

The MSBU assessments are used to pay for fire protection and first responders’ services.      

Currently every homeowner in the county pays 50 dollars a year for fire protection, but county commission made it possible for separate fire districts to levy different assessments as long as they get voter approval.

St. George Island and Alligator Point are the first fire districts to seek an increase because they have some of the tallest homes in the county which requires more expensive equipment and trucks to protect.

If you own property on St. George Island or Alligator Point and have not yet received your ballot you need to contact the Supervisor of Elections office as soon as possible at 653- 9520.

If you have not yet returned your ballot to the elections office, you need to do that soon.

The election will officially close and the ballot will be counted at the Elections office on Tomorrow night at 7. e-mail with comments

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