Friday, May 31, 2013

Caution on outdoor burning until significant rainfall

Florida Forest Service officials are urging everyone to exercise caution with the use of any outdoor fire particularly until our area receives a signficant amount of rainfall.

The majority of the Florida panhandle has not had much rain in a while, and for that reason, wildfire potential is increasing.  While we are not at an 'extreme' wildfire danger level, with each day the Florida panhandle is getting more into a 'high' fire danger level.

Florida Forest Service wildland firefighters are working several wildfires in the entire 16-county region in northwest Florida.

This is NOT a 'burn ban' but more of an encouragement for everyone to use caution with outdoor fire and even refrain from using fire if it's not necessary until we receive significant rain.

For some general wildland fire information and links that you can share with the public, please visit: e-mail with comments

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