Friday, May 3, 2013


Officer Ken White stopped a vessel in Choctawhatchee Bay for failure to display navigational lights. A fishery inspection was conducted when Officer White determined the occupants of the vessel were returning from fishing. The inspection revealed an undersized red drum which measured six inches short. The vessel operator was cited for the fish violation and warned for the navigational light violation.
Plain-clothes Officers James Rockwell, Ben Pineda, Ken Manning, and Lt. Dan Hahr were working the east jetties in Destin. The officers observed two men in a vessel approaching the jetties. One of the men got into the water with a pole spear, began to spearfish, and later handed a bag of fish to the man in the boat. Officer Rockwell made contact with the man in the water and asked him if he had caught any fish. The man told him that he killed two flounder and two sheepshead. Due to the rocks, Officer Rockwell advised the man in the vessel to meet him at the swimming area north of the jetties. While Officer Rockwell was escorting the other man to the swimming area, the man in the boat dumped three of the four fish. One subject was issued a notice to appear for spearfishing within 100 feet of an unsubmerged jetty, and the boat operator was issued a notice to appear for interference with an FWC Officer.
Officer Randall Brooks and Officer Espy Letcher were on patrol along the Highway 331 causeway when Officer Brooks observed a man putting a large redfish into his truck. The officers approached the subject and conducted a fisheries inspection. The man admitted to catching and keeping the redfish, stating that he measured it with a 24‑inch wide window frame. The fish was properly measured at 32 inches in length (five inches oversized) and the subject was issued a notice to appear for possession of an oversized redfish.
Lt. Leamon Keen and Officer Michael Goodwin observed two subjects fishing in a small vessel under the DuPont Bridge. The officers approached the vessel and asked the subjects if they had caught anything. One subject, sitting in the rear of the vessel, stated he had caught one redfish. He opened a cooler and showed the officers the fish, and stated that it measured 27¼ inches in length. He was asked if he knew the size limit for red drum, and he stated 18 to 27 inches. The fish actually measured 29½ inches in length. The subject was issued a notice to appear for taking red drum over the size limit.
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