Friday, May 3, 2013

Turtle nesting season has begun so its time to lower the lights

Turtle nesting season in Franklin County has officially begun and coastal homeowners and renters should be aware of the county ordinance limiting the types of lights that can used along Franklin County's beaches.

The ordinance was created in 1998 to protect nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.

The rule requires turtle safe lighting on homes built  seaward of the coastal control line which means almost all homes on St. George Island, Dog Island and Alligator Point.

The ordinance bans bright lights and exterior lights pointed directly at the beach which can be deadly to sea turtles, who mistake the bright lights for the moon.

Most homes are already in compliance with the rule – but there are some additional things people can do to make sure turtles can build their nests unhindered.

A few things you can think about are covering windows that point toward the beach, and refraining from building bonfires along the beach during nesting season.

Also, if you happen to see a female turtle crawling on the beach to lay her eggs, don’t point flashlights at her, don’t take flash pictures or bother her in any other way.

It is also very helpful for you to remove any tents, towels or beach chairs when you leave the beach each day.

If you should find a sea turtle nest this Summer – report it as quickly as possible to Bruce Drye at 927-2103. e-mail with comments

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