Monday, February 10, 2014

4800 manatees counted during annual aerial survey

A team of scientists counted over 4800 manatees during the year’s statewide aerial survey conducted the week of January 24th.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute reported a preliminary count of 4831 manatees.
A team of 20 observers from nine organizations counted 2,317 manatees on Florida's East Coast and 2514 on the West Coast of the state.
The numbers were the third highest seen since the manatee count began in 1991. 
This year’s count was likely higher than in past years because the very cold weather forced manatee to congregate in warm water areas.
The high count came after a record number of manatee deaths in 2013.

Over 800 manatees died in Florida waters last year – nearly double the average number of manatee deaths. e-mail with comments

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