Thursday, February 20, 2014

Franklin county awarded grant to upgrade Emergency Operations Center

Franklin County has been awarded a grant to help upgrade the Emergency operations center at the Apalachicola Airport.

The EOC has been approved for a grant for $73 thousand dollars that will pay for a new roof and new shutters on the building.

The county is also seeking a similar grant for upgrades at the sheriff’s office.

The new roof is especially needed at the EOC as the current one leaks.

There is a 25% cash match for the grant, so the county will likely have to use around 15 to 20 thousand dollars from its Capital Outlay fund on the project.

Over the long term the county would like to see the Emergency Operations center moved to a more central location on Highway 65.

They have been seeking federal funding for that project for years with no luck.

The current office at the Apalachicola airport is very old and is also in a cat3 zone which means a category three hurricane could flood it.

By moving to Highway 65 it would put the building in a cat 5 zone so it would be more secure. e-mail with comments

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