Friday, February 21, 2014

FWC Division of Law Enforcement Weekly Report February 14, 2014 - February 20, 2014

Division of Law Enforcement
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Weekly Report
February 14, 2014 - February 20, 2014

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past week;
however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement.

Patrol, Protect, Preserve




While on vessel patrol in Bayou Chico, Officer Cushing observed a recreational fishing vessel entering the bayou and operating beyond the posted “Idle Speed.”  Officer Cushing conducted boating safety and fisheries inspections.  During the inspections, he observed several violations which included possession of gag grouper during a closed season and undersized gray triggerfish.  Officer Cushing issued a resource citation, boating safety citation and several boating safety warnings.

Officer Cushing was on vessel patrol in the Navy Point area.  While conducting boating safety and saltwater fisheries inspections, he observed a vessel approach a nearby dock.  Officer Cushing asked the subjects on board if they had been fishing and they replied, “Yes.” When asked if they had any fish on board, they again replied, “Yes, almaco jacks and lesser amberjacks.”  While conducting a fisheries inspection of this vessel, Officer Cushing located several almaco jacks and four greater amberjacks.  The operator of the vessel advised he thought they were lesser amberjacks and not greater amberjacks, but could not properly identify them as such when asked to do so.  The owner of the boat was issued a citation for possession of undersized greater amberjack.


Lieutenants Glover and Hollinhead, Investigator Armstrong and Officers Molnar and Rockwell worked a hunting detail on Eglin Air Force Base Wildlife Management Area (WMA) to target hunting in closed areas and road hunting.  Two subjects were stopped after the officers observed them attempting to take a deer in a closed area.  Both subjects were road hunting and shot from their vehicle into a closed area.  They were both cited for hunting in a closed area and attempting to take wildlife from a federal-maintained road. e-mail with comments

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