Friday, February 21, 2014

Military plans to lease Apalachicola Work Camp in May

The county has found a short term use for the now closed work camp in Apalachicola.

The military wants to rent it for a few weeks in April and May to stage training missions.

The 20 year old work camp closed last year and moved its prisoners to other facilities – most went to the new work camp at the state prison in Carrabelle.

On Tuesday, Jeff mason from Visual Awareness Technology Consulting out of Tampa said his group would like to lease the property between April the 28th and May the 8th as a staging ground for the Emerald warrior training.

He said between 50 and 70 people would be housed at the site for those days.

The group is willing to pay 2000 dollars a day in rent and will also hire local caterers and cleaners to work over that period.

Mister mason said there is also a second group that might also be interested in renting the site between May 10th and the 23rd at the same price.

The second group will make a final decision by next week.

The county commission has been looking for someone to take over the work camp over the long term, but was more than happy to accept the short term proposal as a way to defray the costs of maintaining the property. e-mail with comments

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