Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Telemarketing tops list of consumer complaints in December

Telemarketers violating Florida’s Do Not Call list topped the list of consumer complaints in Florida again in December.

Every month the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services releases a list of the top three complaints made by consumers in the Sunshine State and almost every month telemarketers top the list.

Fuel concerns made the second spot on the list in December followed by communications.

In total, nearly 4000 complaints were filed by consumers in December.

The Department also added over 13 thousand numbers to Florida’s do not call list which is supposed to keep telemarketers from calling you.

There are over 590 thousand telephone numbers on that list.

If you have a compliant to make against a Florida business, its easy to do.

There is a consumer protection and information hotline at 1-800-HELP-FLA.

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