Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Water Management District approves funding for battery Park drainage project

The Northwest Florida Water Management District Governing Board last week approved up to $443,000 in grant funding to the City of Apalachicola to help improve water quality in the Apalachicola Bay.
The money will be used for the Battery Park Basin Stormwater Improvement Project.
That project includes a treatment system in the upper reaches of the basin and a baffle box near the Bay.
The project will treat stormwater and separate pollutants including nutrients, bacteria, suspended solids and heavy metals from stormwater before it discharges it into the bay.
Currently, stormwater within the 67 acre Battery Park basin discharges directly into the Bay with little or no treatment.
This funding builds upon over 70 thousand dollars the district provided last year for the design and engineering phase of the stormwater improvement project.
Along with improving the quality of water entering the Bay, the Battery Park project provides stormwater infrastructure that will help address localized flooding within the Battery Park basin.  
The Water management district has more money set aside for projects designed to protect the Bay.

The District’s 2013-2014 budget includes a total of $4.7 million for Apalachicola River and Bay watershed protection and restoration. 

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