Monday, February 24, 2014

Weems seeks grants to upgrade ambulance service

            Weems Memorial Hospital is seeking state money to upgrade the local ambulance fleet.

Last Tuesday the hospital was given approval to seek two Emergency medical services grants.

One would provide 5 life packs to upgrade the cardiac monitors in local ambulances.

The life packs are able to send patient cardiac data from the ambulance to the hospital so the hospital can be better prepared to handle the incoming patient quickly.

The second grant would pay for a new ambulance for the county.

The county currently has 7 ambulances in its fleet; 3 are staffed at any one time.

But the ambulances are getting older and a new one is needed.

Hospital CEO Ray Brownsworth said maintenance on the ambulances cost nearly 8000 dollars last month alone.

If the grants are approved the hospital would receive about 300 thousand dollars to cover 90 percent of the purchases, the hospital would have to pay the remaining 10 percent. e-mail with comments

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