Thursday, March 6, 2014

Franklin County considering allowing vendors at Carrabelle Beach

County Commissioners are considering allowing a limited number of vendors to operate at Carrabelle Beach this year.

The county has been approached by a vendor who would like to sell Sno-Cones at the beach this summer.

Because of the limited amount of space at Carrabelle Beach, only two vendors could operate on county property without impacting parking.

County Administrative Director Alan Pierce said the permits would probably have to be given on a first come first served basis.

Commission have taken no action on the proposal yet, but will make a decision after the county attorney has had time to take a closer look at the issue.

Vendors can not set up in the St. George Island Public beach because of a reverter clause on the property that says the county can not allow commercial activities within the property.

That issue does not impact Carrabelle Beach

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