Friday, July 15, 2016

Help protect sea turtles on local beaches

Sea turtle nesting season is in full swing.

The nesting season officially began on May the 1st, and there have been plenty of nests found on local beaches.

Sea turtles nest on beaches across the county including St. George Island, St. Vincent Island and Alligator Point.

Turtle patrols are asking for your help in protecting sea turtle nests this summer.

Even though Franklin County is enforcing its “Leave No Trace” ordinance to protect nesting sea turtles there have still been some incidents where nesting turtles have had to return to the Gulf without digging a nest because of items left on the beaches – so please remember not to leave your belongings on the beach overnight.

There have also been problems of people taking flash photo of turtles on the beach which disorients the animals.

If you should see a sea turtle on the beach this summer, remember to turn off all lights and don’t take flash photos.

And if you should find an unmarked turtle nest this summer or you see someone bothering a sea turtle or it hatchlings, call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Wildlife Alert hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

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