Monday, June 5, 2017

Lecture: Understanding Goliather Grouper

June 8th, 2017
From 7pm to 8pm
Open to The Public 
FSUCML Auditorium
3618 US-98
St. Teresa, FL 32358
Refreshments available before talk  
Understanding Goliath Grouper:
Underlying Biology, Human Impacts & Misconceptions
By Chris Malinowski, PhD Candidate
Florida State University/FSUCML
The talk this month is an amalgam of Stories from the Field about Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara), the largest grouper in the Western Atlantic, and certainly one of the more controversial fishes in Florida waters today.  Protected from fishing since 1990 in both the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, this species is on a positive recovery trajectory in Florida.  However, full recovery of Goliath Grouper is hindered by the fact that they are slow to mature, their nursey mangrove habitat is in decline, and they carry significant mercury loads in their tissues that can affect their reproduction and survival.  So, bring a curious mind, sit back, and hear the facts and the misconceptions swirling around this wonderful fish

About the Speaker:
Chris Malinowski, a native of  Wisconsin (cheese country), has always been interested in the conservation of fishes and their ecosystems, so much of his research has revolved around this concept.  Chris received his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Upon graduation, he began studying fish ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Great Lakes WATER Institute. It was here, in the cold waters of Lake Michigan, that he gained a fondness for fish-related research but longed for a warmer climate.  So, he continued his southern migration to Florida where he got his masters degree from Florida Atlantic University and is now finishing [hopefully] his PhD at Florida State University.
Lecture: "Future Storminess: Hurricanes & Tornadoes in a Warmer World" by Dr. James Elsner (FSU, Geography)

         July 13, 2017

Workshop:  Evening At The Edge of The Sea with Dr. Heidi Geisz
June, July & August Dates 6-9pm  FSUCML

More Info >
Whatever Floats Your Boat Regatta

Be part of the fun!  Build a boat and enjoy a day at the lab with family and friends to cheer you on!.

More Info>

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