Monday, July 15, 2019

A grand jury has found that a Franklin County Sheriff's deputy was justified in shooting a woman in Eastpoint in February

A grand jury has found that a Franklin County Sheriff's deputy was justified in shooting a woman in Eastpoint in February.
On Thursday, a Franklin County grand jury found that Deputy Jacob Rieben was justified in the use of deadly force against 52 year old Sherrie Jones.
The incident occurred on February 1st when Jones was involved in a domestic battery incident at the Carroll Street apartments.
Major Cliff Carroll and Deputy Jacob Rieben were called to the scene.
They attempted to stop Jones who was driving erratically, but she continued driving,to her home on Hickory Dip Road.
While Deputy Rieben was out of his patrol car trying to speak with Jones, she refuses to exit the vehicle, so he tried to use a window breaking tool on her vehicle.
That's when she put her car in drive, accelerating toward the deputy.
Deputy Reiben drew his weapon and fired at Jones; hitting Jones' vehicle several times in the hood and windshield.
One bullet also grazed the right side of Jones' face and chest area .
The grand jury found that Rieben followed protocol when he attempted to arrest Jones.
The jury also found that Jones had probable cause to believe Jones had committed a felony after she failed to stop when ordered to do so and continued to drive even after law enforcement activated their emergency lights and sirens.
They ruled Jones' decision to drive towards Rieben and the other deputy put them in justifiable fear of death or great bodily harm, since a motor vehicle can be a deadly weapon under a Florida law.

Sheriff AJ Smith said he is proud of the actions of all the deputies who were involved in this incident. Their professionalism was evident then and today.

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