Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Gulf of Mexico shrimp harvest was up in June but this is still shaping up to be a pretty bad year for shrimping

The Gulf of Mexico shrimp harvest was up in June but this is still shaping up to be a pretty bad year for shrimping.

NOAA Fisheries said 11.1 million pounds of shrimp were landed in the Gulf of Mexico last month, which was up from the past two years, but well below the 17 year average.

The historic average for June is about 16.7 million pounds.

In total, landings for the month were roughly 33.6% below the seventeen-year historical average for the month. 

Over the first half of 2019, 28.6 million pounds of shrimp have been landed in the Gulf of Mexico, about 34 percent below the prior seventeen-year historic average of 43.4 million pounds.

It is the second lowest amount reported for a January to June time period since 2002. 

For 2019 so far, landings along the west coast of Florida are 2.0 million pounds, which is the lowest reported in the past 17 years.

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