Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Franklin County Commissioners have agreed to consider a new rule that would allow alcohol sales an hour later year round

Franklin County Commissioners have agreed to consider a new rule that would allow alcohol sales an hour later year round.
Patrick Kelly of Harry A’s on St. George Island asked the county to consider changing the county’s hours of sale of alcoholic beverages from midnight to 1:00 a.m. year-round. 
Currently, the county allows the sale of alcohol until 1:00 a.m. from May 30th through September 5th, considered the peak tourists season as well as on specific holidays like New Years Eve.
That rule has been in effect since 2016.
Mr. Kelly pointed out that tourist traffic has increased during fall and winter months and he feels the time change will have a positive effect on economy.
This change would require a new county ordinance.

The County has agreed to start the ordinance process for a change to the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages and to schedule a public hearing on the change.

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