Thursday, March 26, 2020

Franklin County blood drive a huge success

Blood donors from across Franklin County came out in force to a blood drive in Eastpoint on Thursday.

The event was hosted by the Forgotten Coast Parrothead Club – the company One Blood brought their big red bus to the Point Mall for the drive.

The drive netted 31 units of blood and that blood.

That’s a great turnout even for regular blood drives that are held every couple of months in the county.

Each pint of blood can be divided into the three primary components — red blood cells, plasma, and platelets — saving up to three lives per donation – so Franklin County donors may have helped save up to 93 lives.

Donating blood now is extremely important because COVID-19 is keeping many regular donors from getting out.

The need for blood, however, doesn't change.

Even with elective surgeries canceled for now, hospitals still need blood for emergency surgeries and more.

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