Monday, March 2, 2020

Franklin County Commissioners will hold three public hearings on Tuesday

 Franklin County Commissioners will be busy on Tuesday.

The commission will hold three public hearings tomorrow.

The first public hearing will be on the St. George Island Overlay district which is a set of rules to guide development in the St. George Island commercial district.

When the County established the Corridor Overlay District in 2018, one of the new rules was to no longer allow residential buildings in the Commercial District.

The commission is now considering doing away with that rule and once again allowing homes in the Commercial District. 

The second hearing is to prohibit the parking or leaving of motor vehicles, trailers, or recreational vehicle type units on public property in unincorporated Franklin County overnight.

The rule would also providing for towing at owner's expense.

The third public hearing is for a land use change and rezoning for just under 6 acres on Highway 98 in Lanark Village that would allow for the construction of a Dollar Store on the site.

The issue has proved to be highly contentious with some people concerned about how a dollar store would affect Lanark Village with lights and traffic.

Questions have also been raised about whether a dollar store is needed there as there are already a dollar store in Carrabelle just a few miles away.

Others say that the business will make shopping more convenient for Lanark residents as well as provide needed jobs.

The public hearings will be held during the county commission's regular meeting which starts at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Franklin County courthouse annex in Apalachicola.

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