Saturday, March 28, 2020


Local businesses need your support now more than ever! is a unique online shopping experience where you can buy e-gift certificates from some of your favorite retailers and restaurants in historic Downtown Apalachicola, the Heart of the Forgotten Coast!
Purchase one to treat yourself or send one as a gift. The electronic gift certificate will be received via email instantly!

Supporting Local Businesses

Now more than ever, the Downtown Apalachicola businesses you love need your support. The COVID-19 virus is presenting an unprecedented challenge. Tourism has slowed, people are practicing social distancing, and to help stop the spread of coronavirus, Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order mandating that all Florida restaurants must move to take-out or delivery service only.

There’s a lot to love about our local businesses. They employ local people, they are the foundation of our economy, and they’re invested in our community. They’re our friends and neighbors. They’re the sponsors of local events, charitable causes, and kids’ sports teams. They volunteer their time. They make Downtown Apalachicola the vibrant heart of our community. 
Now it’s our turn to show our support. 

One of the easiest ways to keep cash flowing to local businesses during this downturn is to purchase gift certificates to be used later. However, most downtown businesses don’t currently offer e-gift certificates on their own.

Apalachicola Main Street’s concept to fill the gap is ShopApalachicola.coma page where shoppers can purchase gift certificates online from participating businesses.
“With the devastating impact to our economy, we wanted to offer a new way to support local entrepreneurs,” said Mark Milliken, an Apalachicola Main Street board member, “Now whether you live across town or across the country you can help sustain local businesses by shopping from home.”

Together, We Can Get Through This

Apalachicola may be a town of less than 2,500 residents, but we have fans far and wide. Many of the business community’s customers don't live here--they are visitors from other states, snowbirds, part-year residents, vacationers, weekenders, or day trippers. A look at license plates on any given normal day downtown tells you how geographically diverse the customer base is.

“This is a way for downtown businesses to continue making sales while people are practicing social distancing,” said Main Street’s Executive Director Augusta West, “and it’s also a way for customers to show their support and commitment that together we can get through this.”
Visit to view the participating businesses. Click on the “Buy Now” button under your business of choice and choose from the $25 level on up. You can purchase one for yourself or send one via email as a gift.

When a purchase is made, the digital gift certificate is delivered to your inbox immediately. The business owner also receives instant email notification of the transaction. Each gift certificate has a unique number which can be used to track certificate redemption.

If your favorite place to shop is not represented, please let us know.  We will contact them personally and let them know that their participation is missed.  More businesses will be added soon, so please check back often!

If visiting Apalachicola, we recommend that you contact businesses directly to determine their current operating hours and services.

Spread the Word!

Please share this email with your friends. And don't forget to like and share our social media posts! 

Sign Up to Participate is an economic vitality initiative of Apalachicola Main Street. There is no cost for businesses in the Main Street district to participate, and all are welcome.
Please contact us for details and to sign up. In order to provide this free service, a small processing fee is passed along to the customer to cover associated costs such as credit card processing. For more information, please email or call 844-272-2523. We plan to add more businesses soon, and we’d love to hear from you!
This concept grew from the seed of an idea to full launch in just 10 days. We wanted to get the platform up and running quickly in order to assist businesses, and began with an initial slate of about a dozen participating shops and restaurants. Funding was provided by a grant from Duke Energy and private donors. We look forward to seeing this project expand!

Great News for Small Businesses: The CARES Act

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the "CARES Act") was signed into law by President Trump on Friday. The CARES Act is a more than $2 trillion relief package that will provide financial assistance to small businesses, expandeded unemployment assistance, checks directly to tax payers, and billions of dollars to health care providers.
It includes funding for loans to small businesses for payroll--loans which can be forgiven.   
"$350 billion is allocated for the Paycheck Protection Program, which is meant to help small businesses (fewer than 500 employees) impacted by the pandemic and economic downturn to make payroll and cover other expenses from February 15 to June 30. Notably, small businesses may take out loans up to $10 million—limited to a formula tied to payroll costs—and can cover employees making up to $100,000 per year. Loans may be forgiven if a firm uses the loan for payroll, interest payments on mortgages, rent, and utilities and would be reduced proportionally by any reduction in employees retained compared to the prior year and a 25 percent or greater reduction in employee compensation."
Small Businesses can contact the Small Business Development Center at FAMU at 850-599-3407 or to apply for CARES Act benefits.
The short video below from the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association provides an overview of the act.
FRLA Video

New COVID-19 Resource Page for Businesses

This online resource on our website provides links, news, and webinars to help businesses adapt to the new economic landscape. 

Our Mission

Apalachicola Main Street is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing downtown Apalachicola through sound economic development which promotes our future while preserving our past. The downtown district is defined as the City Marina at Battery Park to the Scipio Creek boat basin, and from Water Street to 6th Street.

Made Possible with Generous Financial Support from 

Apalachicola Main Street is Part of the Florida Main Street Network 

Florida Main Street logo
Special Thanks to 2K Web Group

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