Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Learn about starfishes this Friday on-line!

Facebook Livestream: The Stars of the Sea
No blood, no head, no right or left side the echinoderms are truly unique! Many of the oceans most recognized creatures are echinoderms: sea stars, sea urchins, and sand dollars all belong to this group as well as the lesser known sea cucumbers and brittle or serpent stars. These creatures are uniquely marine, there are no freshwater echinoderms. The name comes from “echinos” (hedgehog) and “dermos” skin and almost all of them have spiny or warty skin. Join us this Friday, April 3rd at 11AM ONLY from our Facebook page to take a closer look at these ocean dwellers! We will be having a LIVE Q&A session so send in any questions you have about these extraordinary echinoderms!

Alyson Chin
Aquarist at Gulf Specimen Aquarium


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