Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Franklin County School District is making it easier for parents to pick up healthy meals for their kids through the 2020 Summer Food Service Program

The Franklin County School District is making it easier for parents to pick up healthy meals for their kids through the 2020 Summer Food Service Program.

That program is providing free breakfast and lunch service until the extended emergency school closure ends.

The food is available for all children 18 years and younger even if they do not attend school.

Starting Monday, the program will deliver meals at all normal bus stops in the county in addition to the regular pick-up sites.

If you would like to see what time you can pick up food from your regular bus stop, there is a schedule posted at

All regular pickup locations are still open, including the Apalachicola Bay Charter School and at the Apalachicola City Project Impact Learning Center.

In Eastpoint meals will be available at the Franklin County School, at the Learning Center and at the Eastpoint United Methodist Church.

In Carrabelle you will be able to pick up meals at the Nest at 1001 Gray Avenue and at the Lanark Market.

Meals are offered daily between the hours of 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM for pick-up only and are at NO COST to all children ages 18 and under.

You can also get meals today and tomorrow at the Beach Pit on St. George Island, the Lanark Market in Lanark Village and at the Camp Gordon Johnston World War two museum, though those three site will close at 12:30 on Tuesday.

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