Monday, July 22, 2024

Franklin County Commissioners are discussing ways they might be able to streamline their meetings

Franklin County Commissioners are discussing ways they might be able to streamline their meetings.

In recent months, some commission meetings have gone on for 5 hours or longer, and while it is all done in the name of county business, commissioners feel there may be ways to trim a few minutes or hours from some of the meetings.

A few ideas that are being considered include having department directors and contracted vendors only attend a meeting if they actually have an item that requires board action.

They also discussed having all director reports in hand by close of business on the Friday before a meeting and then be approved at the meeting as a consent, unless there is a particular item that commissioners would like to discuss in more depth.

Commissioners did point out that because of Florida’s Sunshine laws the only time they are legally allowed to discuss county business is at public meetings – so some meetings are just going to take longer than others.

All agreed that if there are ways to shorten the meetings, they will be happy to consider them, but added that they were elected to take care of county business no matter how long it takes.

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